Julia Wanders

Sharing the best about travel and lifestyle.

The Study Abroad Diary

I am currently studying abroad in England, and I would like to share some thoughts. I have been here since September, and I will be leaving in January. As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, studying abroad is something that I have wanted to do for a majority of my life. The thought of living in a new country, filled with so many new perspectives and opportunities to learn, has not once failed to excite me. Now that I am fulfilling this long-held dream of mine, a deeper appreciation for travel has grown within me. I would be lying if I said that I have only had good moments here, for there have been many moments that have made me question my decision to leave my hometown. For every one of these lows, however, there has been a plethora of highs. I have not only come to adore the United Kingdom, but I have learned so much about myself in these months. Here are a couple of thoughts that I would like to share.

You cannot expect to grow from comfort. In my first week of classes, I remember writing in my diary that I was ready to go back home. It had been a long day of trying to figure out my schedule, and I felt that if I had just stayed that my life would have been so much easier. I was right. Life is so incredibly easy when you stay in your comfort zone. I would have been so much more comfortable if I had just stayed in my hometown. Since this day, however, I have asked myself something very important: WIll the comfort that I am missing allow me to grow in the ways that I am growing here? The short answer is, no. It is so easy to fall into a negative mindset when things aren’t going exactly how you expected them to, however, it is imperative that we remind ourselves why the hard things in life are worth it. 

I am more “me” now than I was before I came. If my love for travel was in question before this experience, rest assured that I need no convincing now. I have had the opportunity to visit many countries, meet peers from across the world and be in an environment that facilitates self-growth. I met people from more countries than I had ever met in my life on my first day of orientation. Someone from Lebanon, Argentina, Germany, Italy, Japan, Nepal, Norway, etc. The list could go on, but you understand my point. In a world that is growing more interdependent by the day, it is so important that we surround ourselves with people from a variety of backgrounds. Not only will it allow you to think about new concepts but it will also allow you to develop a better framework on issues that you thought you already knew about. 

I have opened a can of worms that I can’t quite close. What is strange is that these past few years have been leading up to this moment. Now that my time abroad is nearly over, I must start thinking about what it is that I would like to do afterwards. I am interested to see what it will be like returning to my old routine after this experience. I can’t imagine that it will be entirely easy. A saying comes to mind when I think about this, “Ignorance is bliss.” If I had never travelled, I would never have to worry about missing it so much. Ah, but it sure has been worth it. 

I am ready to share my experiences with you. I have taken a long break from writing these past few months, but I am more than ready to start sharing some of my stories with all of you. A day in Copenhagen, a week in Switzerland, a weekend in Budapest, the list continues. I have been asked on multiple occasions about which trip has been my favorite. To this, I simply say, “I don’t have a favorite!” Each country has so much to offer and so much to teach you. In the near future I would like to share my favorite travel tips and offer some advice on visiting the countries that I have been to.

Studying abroad has been the best thing that has happened to me. Every day has provided me with an opportunity to learn something new. While my time here is not yet over, I cannot help but find myself missing it already. It is such a bittersweet feeling. On one hand, I am ready to see my family and my friends who I miss very much, but on the other hand, I am sad to leave behind a life that I feel has just started. I will miss my weekly walks to the grocery store, my trains into London and my ability to travel to new countries with ease. I know that this is not my traditional blog post, however, I want to share this feeling with you all. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you very soon.



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