Julia Wanders

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A Girl’s Guide to Summertime Sadness

Summertime. Beaches, late nights, and warm skin. The summer has always been an escape from the rest of the year. Tired of homework and dull weather? That’s ok, just wait until summertime. In the summer you are glowing, you are free, you are happy.

But what if I told you that this is not how I have experienced summer? Sure, I have had incredible memories during the summer. I have gone on beach vacations and everything. I have really tried to convince myself that the summer is my favorite season, but there is always something that prevents me from doing so. While the summertime offers freedom from our everyday, busy lives – what if it is the busy life that you crave? I know many people would agree with me in saying that they crave structure in their life. Even if I hate to admit it, having a routine brings me comfort and satisfaction. It is for this reason that the summer feels less like a holiday, and more like a chore. In recent years I have found myself trying to fill my summer with random projects to keep myself busy. I have tried making a youtube channel, I thought about single handedly building a pool in my backyard with my bare hands, and I have even seriously considered joining the Air Force. If you haven’t noticed, I am somewhat dramatic. I know, however, that I am not the only one who struggles with this feeling of uselessness during the summer months. I am sure that some of you miss the lack of structure in your life, as I do, and silently wait for the end of summer. 

While this feeling is not anything to be ashamed of, it is something that you should consider working on. I have learned that allowing myself to submerge myself in this feeling of sadness does nothing but worsen my situation. 

Start Something You Have Been Wanting to Start

When you are in this period of no motivation, it could be very beneficial to start something that you have been putting off. This could be a multitude of things, including painting, organizing your closet, or even learning a new language. The possibilities are limitless and unrestrictive. Whatever it is that you have been wanting to do or start, take this opportunity to do it. By allowing yourself the chance to start something new, you are doing yourself a favor in multiple ways. For one, you are potentially pulling yourself out of a slump, and secondly, you are finally telling yourself that you have enough time to do what YOU want to do. When we are busy throughout the year, the things that we want to do are replaced by the things that we need to do. This is understandable to an extent, but why is it that you still never find yourself starting the things that you have been wanting to start, even in the less busy times of the year? This summer, I implore all of you to start and finish at least one thing that you have been putting off. This will start the precedent that what you want to do matters. 

Get Active and Go Outside

Going outside and staying active will be extremely beneficial to those of you who suffer from summertime sadness. I know that it is hard to force yourself to get into the gym or to even go outside when you are in a slump, but I promise you it will be so worth it. Working out and staying active offer massive benefits, both physically and mentally. There are even a wide variety of ways to stay active, so everyone has something to look forward to. Some of my favorite ways to stay active include going to the gym, going on walks, and running. If these don’t sound very appealing to you, don”t worry! There’s pilates, karate, yoga, crossfit, and so many more options. Have fun with it and remember that everyone starts somewhere. Who knows? You might step into the fall season with a killer body! All that matters is that you are making your health a priority, as your physical and mental health should be priorities in your life.

Learn to Enjoy Rest and Solitude

Finally, maybe it is also time that you learn how to accept rest. In today’s world we are taught to glorify working and staying ten steps ahead of everyone else. While there is no problem in wanting to succeed, life is all about balance. Sure, pick up new hobbies and apply yourself to beneficial outlets, but remind yourself that it all means nothing without rest. Trust me, I have tried to cheat this before. I have tried to keep myself extremely busy during the summer so that I wouldn’t have to rest, but I now know that this is not sustainable. Maybe you can make it for a couple of years, maybe you can only make it for a couple of months, but at some point you will burn out. Balance is crucial to a happy life. It is my hope that you take this summer to learn to enjoy relaxation. Get a book, paint a picture, or even just sit with your thoughts. Truly think about who you are and why you feel the need to constantly be busy. 

So, even if you are someone who struggles with summertime sadness, you can still make the most of the season. It is obviously important to allow yourself the time to feel these emotions, however, don’t let them prevent you from wasting ANOTHER summer. This summertime rut is not something that I have heard many people talk about, so I wanted to provide a voice to those of you who feel the same way. You are not crazy for wanting the summer to end, you just need to create some structure in your life. If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to contact me! I am more than willing to talk.

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